Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Confirmation of my selfish ways.

"Would you rather have a personal penguin or a house elf?"

"Personal penguin. House elves come with too much guilt."

"oh." (pause) "I want a house elf."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It hurts to admit that he is right.

Dad on Sunday night: "Why did you finish your book so fast? It is like going to the beach and reading your book on the first day. What do you have left?"

Me on Sunday night: "Don't be silly. I can re-read."

Dad: "Not the same."

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Squeals of the Little Girl Variety

I am torn between taking the shower that I skipped this morning to re-reading all my favorite scenes. I do have many things to ponder as I re-read, starting with Potter as King Arthur (He did jump in freezing water for a sword, too bad Ron was his lady of the lake.) or Jesus (Dieing to save others? Dieing to destroy evil?). Maybe, however, my Lord of the Flies loving self might be coming out as it tends to do sometimes. Proof being that my gut reaction when Harry talks about his glasses is "sucks to your asthma."

Chapter 8

Favorite HP line to date: "You there! Give me your chair, I'm a hundred and seven." Which I will use from now on everytime one of my students is sitting in my chair.

You can poop on me and I will still love you.


Do you know how I know we will be best friends forever? We already have the essentials in common: 1. Enjoyment of dancing in front of mirrors. 2. Importance of regularly scheduled meal times. and 3. Love of splashing. Plus, you have discerning, yet open minded, literature taste as exemplified by your love for both This is Not My Truck and Where the Wild Things Are. We will be reading Pride and Prejudice before you know it.